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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Garbage Classification

By Xunuo ZHU, Updated December 17, 2021

As is self-evident, a country's land resources are significant, and converting valuable territory into a waste dump is a kind of chronic suicide, so around the globe, developed countries, such as the United Kingdom and Japan, have essentially built rubbish categorization systems that are appropriate for their national situations. Whenever a nation and its society achieve a particular level of affluence, environmental health and civilization standards are inevitably raised to a higher level, which is also why this article focuses on the significance of trash categorization [1]. Furthermore, the primary goal of this study is to enhance public knowledge of waste categorization across the country.

The Significance of Garbage Classification

The Advantages of Garbage Classification

Garbage classification is a reformation of old waste recycling and disposal techniques. It is one of the most successful scientific management approaches for treating waste garbage globally. All goals are to use the present production level, treat wasted goods according to categorization, use effective chemicals and energy, and bury worthless junk [2]. This has the potential to increase the degree of usage of rubbish resources and minimize the quantity of waste disposed of. Therefore, garbage classification is an essential method and means of achieving rubbish reduction and resource recovery, and the advantages of garbage classification will be discussed in the next section.

Garbage Truck

The Disadvantages of Garbage Classification

Although the garbage classification has numerous advantages and has a benefit for the environment and country, it has to admit that there are some disadvantages. However, few, it does not mean that it does not exist. In addition, the cost is the most significant disadvantage of garbage classification and following the different prices would be explained.


[1] Xiong, J. (2019) Economic Benefit Analysis of Garbage Classification in China and Suggestions for Improvement of Garbage Classification System.

[2] PEAKS-ECO. (2020) The Significance of Garbage Classification. Available from: [Accessed: 14th November 2021].





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